I have influence on people in the best maze ever!!
Hawk mafia. I don't understand
Pipwiz14's mazes are amazing-isuggest you check them out. This screenie by PunkNick23
I don't know how mafias can afford to pay so a many people who do nothing!!! This screenie was taken by PunkNick23 The password for the 1st room called www.habbow.tk quest room 1. The clue to this room is : ' I am refered to as the worst furni in habbo! What am I? p.s the pass word is NOT in capslock
Its toxic Love. Unless i stop them innocent habbos will be gassed out!!!
Frootbooter rare trades
If you see my point they may well all die!! This screenie by PunkNick23
Probably the room with the most dinos in it!!!!!! It is amazing
The airport-Their security is a sham!
HC corner
The airport will be sorry they saw the likes of me and my nail filer!! This screenie by PunkNick23
My alteration of an HC sofa. By -Willsy-
Winnings for a quest
Badges sent in by anon
I have entered the quest so you won't win!!! :D lol joke. Enter via www.bobba.net . This screenie by PunkNick23
This dog is weird!!!!!!!!! This screenie by PunkNick23
This is a snow machine it proberly the next rare out. This screenie taken by Nagnaz
Screenie of LAG!!!
this is lag. This screenie by -willsy-
The Incredible Willsy Attacks!
Talk about a lot of Typos! This guy apartently traded all his stuff for these! Screenie by dj-rock
My dog (Jay) Is in my bath!
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